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10, Deendayal Bhawan, 2nd Floor,
Ashok Nagar, Janpath,
Bhubaneswar – 751009
Phone: + 91 97777 54317

11 Yashodham Complex,
Film city Road, Goregaon
East, Mumbai, 400063
Mobile: +91 98200 45085

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Registered Office 10, Deendayal Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Ashok Nagar, Janpath, Bhubaneswar – 751009 Phone: + 91 97777 54317 Email info@mintboxadvisory.com Mumbai Office 11 Yashodham Complex, Film city Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai, 400063 Mobile: +91 9004654317

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  2. Asset Allocation Is A Balancing Act

A Multi asset, Multi product diversified portfolio approach

Diversification reduces the volatility & Asset Allocation helps mitigate the risk. 90% of investment success is attributed to the right allocation of assets,therefore understanding the asset classes is of utmost importance. What one needs to understand is, their long-term rolling (CAGR) returns with associated risk (volatility) and how they have performed over and above inflation as well as their liquidity and ticket size.

Therefore, our approach of Multi-asset, Multi-product and Diversified portfolio, invested at appropriate valuation across timeframe is the well-established way to get optimum risk-adjusted returns.

And who will design and monitor such a plan for you, considering your risk appetite, biases, behavior and investment blind spots?
MintBoxadvisory Happy-New-year-2025